GRIT March 2021

GRIT: “Effort Endurance”

By Ryan Scott, Main Street Elementary School & Kindergarten Center Principal

Main Street & Kindergarten Center is equally dedicated to the development of our students Socially & Emotionally to Academically. The goal is that no student is more prepared for College or Career or LIFE than our students. Much of this development is not inherited; it is learned. We must model & strategically reinforce w/ positive, timely (on demand) & specific feedback. There are personal & collective benefits to this development & the ideal system involves students that see Value & Progress.

GRIT can be “grown.” You need a few opportunities in your life where you experience struggle or maybe even failure and you don’t give up & experience some eventual growth or success. This adds to your confidence the next time that things will work out & “If I try hard enough for long enough, I will be successful.” Sometimes, we have “struggle by design” in the classrooms to challenge students. They need the right mindset & really believe what we believe about them: “There is nothing someone else can learn that you can’t.” “The problem isn’t that you can’t learn something, it is that sometimes we give up too early.” We want students that face a challenge & “puff out their chest.” We want them to “lean into” & embrace struggle.

We have all heard that we do not want the next generation to be “soft;” I say, “We want them to be GRITTY.” This matches well with our mantra: “Be Nice; Work Hard”

Main Street & Kindergarten Center is very proud to announce March 2021 GRIT Students. These students were identified with combination of teacher & staff observation & peer input.

Main Street March 2021 GRIT Student-Leader:

pictured (left to right): front row: Aidyn Spracklen & Edie Joy Reid

second row: Abel Williamson, Larkin Hatfield, Jace Griffith, Jax Weakly

third row: Sam Miller, Rylee Nichols, Graydon Bennett, Krue Kraus

back row: Whalin Cole, Avneet Kaur, Gauge Sloan, Brooklyn Williams, Mr. Ryan Scott-Principal

KINDERGARTEN March 2021 GRIT Student-Leaders:

pictured (left to right): front row: Lakin Matheson & Saige Dannenberger

back row: Davis Perry, Beau McSchooler, Ellison Kistler