MS GP Day 2021

ALL Main Street Elementary School (1st-3rd) grade GRANDPARENTS are INVITED for a special experience w/ their grandchild student. 

This event will be a grade-level rotation w/ a schedule: 1st grade @ (8:30 AM - 10:00 AM) / 2nd grade @ (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM) / 3rd grade @ (12:45 PM - 2:15 PM) @ Forest Park. 
ALL Grandparents should show up just slightly early (NOT too early or you might interfere w/ the prior grade-level event) & find a seat in the Chautauqua building in the center of the park. This is a great opportunity to showcase this community historic building w/ recent renovations. It has a concrete floor, stage, bench seating for 400, etc...
The event will begin w/ a quick WELCOME. Then, grandparents will get to match up w/ their grandchild student & travel to (3) stations: BOOK FAIR (bring $ & "spoil" those grandkids) / share a SNACK & activity time / enjoy some time @ the playground area. 
This will lead to an entire grade-level MUSIC performance in the Chautauqua building. Please be sure to give those last hugs before the music performance. Students will be exiting the stage orderly with their class to load back on the school bus to return to the school. 
Grandparents will not be permitted to sign-out the grandchild @ the park for lunch or to leave early. 
Please avoid parking @ the playground pavilion N of the Chautauqua as this will be the established loading & unloading zone for the bus. 
Also, please RSVP with the teacher so we know how many grandparents to expect...there might be some special gifts the students create.